Wednesday 1 October 2014


In the same dotted pattern that I used for drawing out the 'summer' page, I tried to fill in a face and frame to a print I did ages ago. In one of the Leeds art galleries last year there was an interactive part where you could use the stencil prints and pens to create your own characters in the style of the featuring artist. I had this one spare so I decided to add a different style to it with some colourful dots :)

Mark Ryden

After seeing Mark Rydens 'Katy Aphrodite' illustration of Katy Perry on Instagram, I had an urge to try a similar style myself digitally. I drew out two sketches in biro's and then had a go using photoshop at creating similar wide eyed baby faced characters. I have a waccom tablet but it never works on my computer so I just use my laptop to draw it which always takes longer so I haven't finished them yet but I am happy with how they're going so far :)

Aynhoe Park

Earlier this month I worked at a venue called Aynhoe Park and I thought I'd include it on this blog as it was a surprisingly creative house, juxtaposing historical art with modern art, along with beautiful rooms, furniture and flowers. The house is filled with taxonomy and although I don't agree with the practice of killing wild animals for display, I do think these were incredible preservations of nature and it was amazing to be able to get that close to these beautiful animals. Also some taxidermy uses naturally dead animals, in which case I think it is great to keep them as a  3D history of the worlds animals. They had some great juxtapositions including a real size light up McDonalds sign hanging on the wall directly opposite a Jesus Christ statue. Two worshipped symbols. At the time I was working there, there was about ten globes along the dining table in various sizes and the 'tv room' was filled with TV memorabilia including life size darlek and tin tin models along with frame to frame black and white photography of the glamorous. In my favourite room the windows seemed two stories high and along with a hanging real life giraffe held up by a huge bunch of balloons was gigantic silver disco balls...


To learn more about the park visit...

London Aquarium

A couple of days ago I visited London Aquarium which I haven't been to in years! It was fun to see all the sea life and it was a really great place to be inspired by natures colours and patterns. I love the brightly coloured fish and plants, especially those with unusual and weird shapes and sizes. For example in one of the tanks there was what looked like a fish, but as well as fins he had little claws holding him up on the sand; a bit creepy but cool. I really like looking at nature for inspiration and this trip was a great place to remind me of natures imagination :)

The details, patterns and shapes on this fish are so amazing, even though they are due to an evolutionary purpose they appear as a work of art!

My only photograph of the sea turtle :( 

The face on this sting ray is so funny

The Saatchi Gallery

I recently visited one of my favourite art galleries; the Saatchi in London. I always love the diversity and confidence in the art there even if there is often work not to my own taste. I always grab a pamphlet on the way in because I think it's great to work out what the artwork means to you but to then be able to look into the artists history and reasons for creating it.





I really liked the creative design of this Mexican restaurant, all the colours were vibrant and clashing but it all worked! 
Outside near the Southbank Centre.